Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?

There’s a pervasive idea that the diamonds are a girl's best friend and it’s destroying us. And stopping us from reaching our goals.

Diamonds begin as nondescript carbon and require…

💎 immense force, time, pressure, temperature to transform

💎 excessive grinding, cutting and work of someone else’s hand to truly sparkle

💎 and only then is their brilliance universally celebrated

We women love diamonds. I know I do. 💍

Maybe the sparkle doesn’t make your heart skip a beat, but can we all agree our society absolutely sells us the idea of the value & importance of diamonds?

The trouble is that our subconscious loves images and it creates our attitudes, identities, emotional states and mental health from the pictures in the world around us. 💎 What does the embodiment of the “diamond narrative” cost us as women?

💎 To be seen as valuable, worthy and desirable takes significant amounts of external factors.

💎 Making it (whatever the goal) takes time, hard, pressure-filled experiences and the expertise of someone else.

💎 The final result is exterior validation.

And so the pattern for our lives is to endure, wait and look for someone & something outside to reach the best version of ourselves. Resigning ourselves and accepting that pressure & grinding is the only way to change.

But what if GOLD becomes the image for our subconscious and pattern of our lives?

✨Gold just is. In its elemental essence and nature, it is inherently valuable.

✨From the first moment you see it, you perceive its immense worth.

✨It shines without requiring pressure or time or outside expertise.

✨Its brilliance and desirability is known in its innate being.

✨It gleams without effort or outside influence.

✨Resilient and malleable, able to change shape and be refined yes, but unpressured and unmistakingly genuine.

You ARE gold, my friend.

20+ years have gone into figuring out how to help you (and me) remember and see ✨our gold within and to create our lives, health, work and relationships from that place.

Turns out when you discover how to unlock the innate and brilliant wisdom✨ in your physiology and operate from your inherent nature, body-mind and spirit, every kind of change you want becomes possible and easier! (even with failed attempts in the past).

Grinding and force are replaced with ease and flow. Closing the gap between what you know you need and doing those things occurs with a ✨lightness & embodiment, instead of pressure.

join the experience of embodying this true gold and ditch the stress, anxiety, pressure, exhaustion, force, burnout, overwhelm and worry rampant in the “diamond narrative” 💎of modern life.

✨Vibrant energy, resilient mental & physical health is so much closer than you imagine. ​Click for all the details of The Integration Experience.

No matter what, remember YOU ARE GOLD. ✨Brilliant, beautiful and oh so valuable, right now.

Always in your corner,

PS Wondering, what is the subconscious? I made a free ebook for you to see how the images💎 it holds influences 90% of our habits and what we think, feel and do. Grab it now.


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