Ready to ditch exhaustion, stress, anxiety & burnout?

Hi, I'm Lea Durante, Nurse Practitioner x 10 years turned, Integrative Health Coach here to share what's missing from traditional medicine to finally step into a life that flows, fuels, nourishes and strengthens rather than the constant force, struggle and battle to keep “healthy.”

Vibrant energy, mental resiliency, physical wellbeing and sustainable health habits are all possible .... and it can be easier than you think!

Your nervous system, subconscious mind and spirit knows the way, it's time to unlock your power.

After a decade of writing prescriptions and failing to see my patients achievehealth changes they desired, true wellness or vibrancy in mind & body, I began to ask: WHAT ARE WE MISSING?

I discovered incredible evidence-based research like Nervous System Regulation with PolyVagal Theory and the Endocannabinoid System, advances in positive psychology, neuroplasticity, subconscious reprogramming as well as novel behavioral models for change that haven’t made it into traditional medical offices yet.

After working with 50,000+ patients, I know you’re so busy, drowning under a growing, unfinished to-do list, responsibilities at work & home mounting and constantly interrupted by cell phones and social media so you need something fast, flexible and effective—- stress and trigger are everywhere. Grounded in cutting-edge science, I developed a quick, effective integrative process (that takes less than one min) to finally get results…and relief.  

Equipping you with new ways of seeing, understanding and working with the innate wisdom in your body, mind and spirit you can stand in your internal power, shift stubborn thought patterns and elicit sustainable health changes. With holistic self-leadership you can start experiencing mental & physical wellbeing in your daily life now and the resilience to weather whatever comes your way.

You can learn how to create a life the flows, fuels, nourishes and strengths and operate from an integrated center to take action toward the health, habits and relationships you want.

This streamlined, transformation approach is available for you!

It’s time to say goodbye to the overwhelm, fatigue, failed new year’s resolutions and physical manifestations of stress.

Which impacts you the most?

 You are not alone. There is hope.

And I’m here to help. Book a complimentary call for a holistic assessment of your unique health needs; mental, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. In just 30 mins you’ll walk away with a plan for stepping into your internal knowing & power to rewrite your story and start embodying integrated wellbeing.

Feel like you’ve tried everything?

You've talk to your Doctor....

Perhaps you’ve gotten prescription, it might have helped some, or like so many of my patients felt it took some edge off, but you didn’t feel like yourself, there was a numbing of self or side effects like dry mouth, weight gain and lack of libido. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones that achieved resolution of your symptoms but then wondered will I be taking this pill forever?

You've talk to your Therapist....

You went to talk therapy. You gave it your all and committed to the process yet you haven’t been able to truly change the depressive and anxious thoughts that run through your mind. Or perhaps you tried, you really wanted something other than pills but you’ve struggled to connect with you therapist or it’s been impossible to find a therapist accepting new patients. Maybe, you are one making progress in your sessions and know therapy is an essential tool for you and yet…something is still missing

You've tried to improve things on your OWN....

You’ve read books and listened to podcasts, you exercise and eat healthy but you seem to keep circling around the same stress, uncomfortable symptoms and behaviors—you scroll social media more than you want to, you stay up later than you intend to, one drink turns to 3 or 4, you emotionally eat, and binge on Netflix or on-line shopping to help you feel better.

I know these paths, because I have walked these paths. In failing to see myself or my patients achieve vibrancy in mind & body I found the holistic answer and it is available to you. It’s time something NEW.

There is better, faster and easier WAY

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